▼ poet_src | |
► BinarySystem | |
PowerlawPhaseLagZone.cpp | |
PowerlawPhaseLagZone.h | Declares the class that provides the phase lag function to DissipatingZone objects |
TwoPhaseLagZone.cpp | |
TwoPhaseLagZone.h | Declares the class that provides the phase lag function to DissipatingZone objects |
► Core | |
AstronomicalConstants.h | Defines various astronomical constants |
Common.cpp | The implementation of some of the utility functions |
Common.h | Declaration of some general purpose utilities |
Error.h | Defines the exception hierarchy used by this code |
Functions.cpp | The definition of some of the methods of the various function classes |
Functions.h | A hierarchy of classes representing functions |
IncludeEigen.h | |
InterpolatingFunctionALGLIB.cpp | |
InterpolatingFunctionALGLIB.h | |
InterpSolutionIterator.cpp | |
InterpSolutionIterator.h | |
LogDerivatives.cpp | Defines some of the methods of the EvolvingStellarQuantity class used for interpolating among stellar evolution tracks |
LogDerivatives.h | Declares a class for differentiating functions of log(arg) w.r.t. arg |
OrbitalExpressions.cpp | The definitions of the orbital expression functions |
OrbitalExpressions.h | A collection of functions which calculate various quantities for two body orbits |
SerializableSpline1dInterpolant.cpp | |
SerializableSpline1dInterpolant.h | |
SharedLibraryExportMacros.h | |
StellarZone.h | Defines tags for the stellar zone |
► Evolve | |
BinarySystem.cpp | The definition of some of the methods of the StellarSystem class |
BinarySystem.h | Defines the BinarySystem class |
BreakLockCondition.cpp | |
BreakLockCondition.h | Declares a class for a stopping condition monitoring when a locked zone loses the lock |
BrokenPowerlawPhaseLagZone.cpp | |
BrokenPowerlawPhaseLagZone.h | Declares the class that provides the phase lag function to DissipatingZone objects |
CInterface.cpp | The definitions of the functions declared in CInterface.h |
CInterface.h | Declare C-style functions for accessing the functionality of the Evolve library |
CombinedStoppingCondition.cpp | |
CombinedStoppingCondition.h | Declares a class for a stopping condition that combines other stopping conditions |
DiskBinarySystem.cpp | |
DiskBinarySystem.h | Declares a class of binary systems which start with a disk-locked star which is then released and at some point in time a secondary appears |
DissipatingBody.cpp | |
DissipatingBody.h | Declares the DissipatingBody class |
DissipatingZone.cpp | |
DissipatingZone.h | Declares a class representing one zone of a body dissipative to tidal distortions |
DissipationQuantities.cpp | Definition of the Dissipation::Quantity and Dissipation::QuantityEntry output |
DissipationQuantities.h | Declaration of enumerations of dissipation quantities and derivatives |
EccentricityExpansionCoefficients.cpp | |
EccentricityExpansionCoefficients.h | Declares a class which provides the [ \(p_{m,s}\) coefficients]{InclinationEccentricity_pms1} |
ExternalStoppingConditions.cpp | |
ExternalStoppingConditions.h | Users can define any stopping condition they wish the evolution to search for in this file |
LagForcingFrequencyBreakCondition.cpp | Definitions of some of the methods of the LagForcingFrequencyBreakCondition class |
LagForcingFrequencyBreakCondition.h | Declares a stopping condition satisfied when a forcing frequency reaches a critical value |
LagSpinBreakCondition.cpp | |
LagSpinBreakCondition.h | Declares a stopping condition monitoring for critical spin frequencies |
OrbitSolver.cpp | Implements some of the members of the OrbitSolver class, the various stopping conditions and a number of other classes used while calculating the orbital evolution |
OrbitSolver.h | Defines the OrbitSolver class, the various stopping conditions and a number of other classes used while calculating the orbital evolution |
SecondaryDeathCondition.cpp | |
SecondaryDeathCondition.h | Declares a stopping condition class monitoring for the death of the secondary object |
SpinOrbitLockInfo.cpp | |
SpinOrbitLockInfo.h | Defines the SpinOrbitLockInfo class |
StopHistoryInterval.cpp | Declares some of the methods of the StopHistoryInterval class |
StopHistoryInterval.h | Declares the StopHistoryInterval class |
StopInformation.cpp | |
StopInformation.h | Declares the StopInformation class |
StoppingCondition.cpp | The implementations of the various stopping condition methods |
StoppingCondition.h | Defines the various stopping conditions needed by OrbitSolver |
SynchronizedCondition.cpp | |
SynchronizedCondition.h | Declares a stopping condition monitoring spin-orbit synchronization |
TidalPotentialTerms.cpp | Define the methods of TidalPotentialTerms |
TidalPotentialTerms.h | Declare an interface for evaluating the expansion of the tidal potential |
ZoneOrientation.cpp | |
ZoneOrientation.h | Declares a class for orientations of zones of DissipatingBody objects |
► IO | |
IOColumns.cpp | |
IOColumns.h | Declares enumerations that define the possible input/outut quantities |
IOUtil.h | |
► Planet | |
CInterface.cpp | The definitions of the functions declared in CInterface.h |
CInterface.h | Declare C-style functions for working with LockedPlanet instances |
Planet.h | Declares a class for planets that are always locked to the orbit |
PlanetZone.h | Declares a class for the single zone of LockedPlanet objects |
► Star | |
CInterface.cpp | The definitions of the functions declared in CInterface.h |
CInterface.h | Declare C-style functions for accessing the functionality of the Star library |
EvolvingStar.h | Declares the class for stars that user pre-tabulated stellar evolution tracks |
EvolvingStellarCore.h | Declaration of the class representing stellar cores |
EvolvingStellarEnvelope.h | Declares a class representing convective zones in low mass evolving stars or the whole star for high mass stars |
EvolvingStellarZone.cpp | Definitions of some of the methods of EvolvingStellarZone |
EvolvingStellarZone.h | Declares a base class for all stellar zones |
ExponentialDecayDiffRotBody.cpp | Definitions of some of the methods of ExponentialDecayDiffRotBody |
ExponentialDecayDiffRotBody.h | Declares a DissipatingBody with exponentially decaying differential rotation coupling |
SaturatingSkumanichWindBody.cpp | Definitions of some of the methods of StaturatingSkumanichWindBody |
SaturatingSkumanichWindBody.h | Decrales a body subject to angular momentum loss \(\propto\omega\min(\omega, \omega_{sat})^2\) |
WindSaturationCondition.cpp | Definitions of some of the methods of WindSaturationCondition |
WindSaturationCondition.h | Declaration of a stopping condition monitoring for the surface spin of a star crossing the wind saturation threshold |
► StellarEvolution | |
AllowedGridGrowth.h | Declares & defines a class describing how the mass-[Fe/H] interpolation grid is allowed to grow |
CInterface.cpp | The definitions of the functions declared in CInterface.h |
CInterface.h | Declare C-style functions for accessing the functionality of the StellarEvolution library |
CustomStellarEvolution.cpp | The definitions of the CustomStellarEvolution::Evolution methods |
CustomStellarEvolution.h | Defines the class which implements a custom single track stellar evolution |
EvolvingStellarQuantity.cpp | Defines some of the methods of the EvolvingStellarQuantity class used for interpolating among stellar evolution tracks |
EvolvingStellarQuantity.h | Declares a class implementing the intepolation of a single stellar quantity from stellar evolution tracks |
InterpolatedDerivatives.cpp | |
InterpolatedDerivatives.h | |
InterpolationQuantities.h | Defines constant to serve as identifier of the various quantities handled by the stellar evolution interpoltaion |
Interpolator.cpp | Defines some of the methods of the StellarEvolution class |
Interpolator.h | Defines the StellarEvolution class needed for interpolating among stellar evolution tracks |
mass_feh_interp.cpp | |
mass_feh_interp.h | Define a single function performing mass-[Fe/H] interpolations |
MESAIO.cpp | |
MESAIO.h | Defines the classes for generating stellar evolution interpolators from the MESA tracks |
RemoveLogDeriv.h | Declares a class to switch from logarithmic to linear derivative |
SumDerivatives.h | Declares & defines a class for the derivative of a quantity which is the sum of two other quantities |
SumQuantity.h | Declare a class for a stellar evolution quantity which is the sum of two other quantities |
ThreadedInterpolation.cpp | The implementation of some of the methods of the InterpolationQueue class |
ThreadedInterpolation.h | Declaration of a class that handles multithreaded stellar evolution interpolation |
YRECIO.cpp | Defines some of the methods of the classes for generating stellar evolution interpolators from the YREC tracks |
YRECIO.h | Defines the classes for generating stellar evolution interpolators from the YREC tracks |
ZeroQuantity.h | Declare a class for an identically zero stellar evolution quantity |
► unit_tests | |
► shared | |
Common.cpp | |
Common.h | Functions and classes of general use for all unit tests |
MakeStar.cpp | Implement the functions defined in MakeStar.h |
MakeStar.h | Declares functions for creating stars used by unit tests |
PolynomialEvolution.cpp | |
PolynomialEvolution.h | |
► testEvolve | |
ConservedLEObliquityEvolution.h | Declares a OneArgumentDiffFunction sub-classes giving the evolution of the core and envelope obliquities under the assumpion of energy and angular momentum conservation |
ConstPhaseLagZone.h | Declare a dissipative zone class with polynomial evolution with a constant phase lag |
EccentricOrbit.cpp | Define some of the methods of EccentricyOrbit |
EccentricOrbit.h | Declare an interface for working with eccentric orbits |
ExpectedEvolutionMode.h | Declare & define a class tracking flags indicating the expected state of the evolution (e.g. is wind saturated, current evolution mode) |
InverseFunction.cpp | Definitions of some of the methods of the InverseFunction class |
InverseFunction.h | Declarses a class for functions that are the inverse of some analytical function |
InverseLinearLconvEvolution.h | Declares a OneArgumentDiffFunction sub-class giving the evolution of the stellar convective zone angular momentum when some function of it evolves linearly with time |
Oblique10LinearQuantity.cpp | Implements some methods of the Oblique10LinearQuantity class |
Oblique10LinearQuantity.h | Declares a function of the stellar angular momentum that evolves linearly with time when only the m = 1, m' = 0 term is active for orbits with arbitrary initial obliquity |
Oblique20LinearQuantity.cpp | Implements some methods of the Oblique20LinearQuantity class |
Oblique20LinearQuantity.h | Declares a function of the stellar angular momentum that evolves linearly with time when only the m = 2, m' = 0 term is active for orbits with arbitrary initial obliquity |
PolynomialEvolutionZone.cpp | Define the non-inlnine methods of PolynomialEvolutionZone |
PolynomialEvolutionZone.h | Declare a dissipative zone class where the mass and radius evolution are given by a polynomial |
RealEvolutionQuantity.h | Declare an inumeration for the various quantities tracked by the evolution and checked |
SingleTidalTermBody.h | Declare a dissipative body class with a single SingleTidalTermZone |
SingleTidalTermZone.h | Declare a dissipative zone class with polynomial evolution with only a single tidel term having non-zero dissipation |
testDifferentialEquations.cpp | Implement the non-inline methods of test_DifferentialEquations |
testDifferentialEquations.h | Unit tests that check the differential equations for eccentricity and semimajor against analytic expressions |
testEvolve.cpp | |
testGravitationalPotential.cpp | Implement the non-inline methods of test_GravitationalPotential |
testGravitationalPotential.h | Unit tests that check the expansion of the gravitational potential vs. analytic expressions |
testLockMonitoring.cpp | Implement the non-inline methods of test_LockMonitoring |
testLockMonitoring.h | Unit tests that check the machinery for monitoring potential tidal locks |
testOrbitSolver.cpp | Defines some of the methods of the test suite that exercises the OrbitSolver class and the other clasess necessary to accomplish this |
testOrbitSolver.h | Declares the test suite that exercises the OrbitSolver class and some other clasess necessary to accomplish this |
testTidalTorquePower.cpp | Define the non-inline methods of test_TidalTorquePower and actually run the tests if compiled in stand-alone mode |
testTidalTorquePower.h | Declare a unit tests class that check the calculations of tidal torque and power |
TidalPotential.cpp | |
TidalPotential.h | Declare an interface for calculating the tidal potential due to a companion in an eccentric orbit |
TidalPotentialExpansion.cpp | Define the functions that sums up the expansion series |
TidalPotentialExpansion.h | Declare an interface for evaluating the expansion of the tidal potential |
TransformedSolution.cpp | |
TransformedSolution.h | Declare a class that transforms an orbital solution before checking |
plot_interpolated_YREC_evolution.py | |
ConstSolutionIterator.cpp | |
ConstSolutionIterator.h | Defines the SolutionIterator class |
poet.h | Defines the command line options class for the main executable |
setup.py | |