7 #ifndef __SOLUTION_ITERATOR_H 8 #define __SOLUTION_ITERATOR_H 11 #include "../IO/IOColumns.h" 12 #include "../Star/EvolvingStar.h" 34 std::list<Core::EvolModeType>::const_iterator
53 const InterpolatedEvolutionStar &
59 const std::list<double> &tabulation_ages
78 const std::list<double> &required_ages=std::list<double>()
91 const InterpolatedEvolutionStar &star,
107 const std::list<double> &required_ages=std::list<double>()
static std::list< double >::const_iterator __placeholder_iterator
All undefined entries in __real_iterators are set to this.
bool wind_saturation()
Was the wind saturated for the current step?
Age of the system in Gyr.
static std::list< double > __placeholder_list
Location for undefined iterators to point to.
Declares a class representing one zone of a body dissipative to tidal distortions.
void fix_no_evolution(double start_age, double end_age, double timestep, const std::list< double > &required_ages=std::list< double >())
Handles the case when no evolution was actually calculated.
std::list< bool >::const_iterator __wind_saturation
Iterator over the tabulated wind saturation state.
Orientations of zones of bodies in a binary system.
const ConstSolutionIterator & operator++()
Move to the next tabulated point.
Defines the OrbitSolver class, the various stopping conditions and a number of other classes used whi...
double real_quantity(OutCol::OutputColumns quantity)
Get a real value quantity for the current step.
Eigen::Vector3d __stellar_angmom
Total angular momentum vector of the star in the reference frame of the surface zone.
Iterates over the tabulated solution after an evolution calculation.
std::list< Core::EvolModeType >::const_iterator __mode
Iterator over the tabulated evolution mode.
std::vector< std::list< double >::const_iterator > __real_iterators
Iterators to the tabulated real values quantities.
Defines the BinarySystem class.
double __mplanet
The mass of the planet.
The various evolution modes.
const InterpolatedEvolutionStar & __star
The star in the system.
Solves the system of ODEs describing the evolution of a single planet around a single star...
double __mstar
The mass of the star.
ConstSolutionIterator(const OrbitSolver &solver, const BinarySystem &system, const InterpolatedEvolutionStar &star, double start_age, double end_age, double timestep, const std::list< double > &required_ages=std::list< double >())
Start iterating over a solution.
Tags for the possible columns to output.
void create_missing_lists(const std::list< double > &tabulation_ages)
Creates lists for non-orbital quantities and sets the corresponding iterators.
Core::EvolModeType evolution_mode()
Get the evolution mode for the current step.
Describes a system of two bodies orbiting each other.
std::list< double >::const_iterator __last_age
One past the last tabulated age.