Tags for the possible columns to output.
Enumerator |
AGE | Age of the system in Gyr.
ICONV | Moment of inertia of the convective zone of the star (low mass stars only) in \(M_\odot R_\odot^2\).
IRAD | Moment of inertia of the radiative zone of the star (low mass stars only) in \(M_\odot R_\odot^2\).
ITOT | Total moment of inertia of the star in \(M_\odot R_\odot^2\).
RSTAR | Radius of the star in \(R_\odot\).
LSTAR | Luminosity of the star in \(L_\odot\).
RRAD | Radius of the stellar core in \(R_\odot\) (low mass stars only).
MRAD | Mass of the stellar core in \(M_\odot\) (low mass stars only).
ICONV_DERIV | Age derivative of the convective moment of inertia in \(M_\odot R_\odot^2/Gyr\).
IRAD_DERIV | Age derivative of the radiative moment of inertia in \(M_\odot R_\odot^2/Gyr\).
ITOT_DERIV | Age derivative of the moment of inertia of the entire star in \(M_\odot R_\odot^2/Gyr\).
RSTAR_DERIV | Age derivative of the stellar radius in \(R_\odot/Gyr\).
RRAD_DERIV | Age derivative of the radius of the radiative core in \(R_\odot/Gyr\).
MRAD_DERIV | Age derivative of the mass of the radiative core in \(M_\odot/Gyr\).
ICONV_SECOND_DERIV | Second derivative of the moment of ivertia of the convective zone.
IRAD_SECOND_DERIV | Second derivative of the moment of ivertia of the radiative zone.
ITOT_SECOND_DERIV | Second derivative of the moment of inertia of the entire star.
RRAD_SECOND_DERIV | Second derivative of the core-envelope boundary.
LAST_NO_ORBIT | The index of the last quantity requiring no orbital evolution.
SEMIMAJOR | Semimajor axis of the orbit in AU.
ECCENTRICITY | The eccentricity of the orbit.
WORB | The orbital frequency in rad/day.
PORB | The orbital period days.
CONV_INCLINATION | The angle between the stellar surface spin and orbital angular momentum in radians.
RAD_INCLINATION | The angle between the stellar core spin and orbital angular momentum in radians.
CONV_PERIAPSIS | The orbital periapsis in the reference frame of the stellar convective zone in radians.
RAD_PERIAPSIS | The orbital periapsis in the reference frame of the stellar radiative zone in radians.
LCONV | Angular momentum of the convective zone of the star in \( M_\odot R_\odot^2 \mathrm{rad}/\mathrm{day}\) (low mass stars only)
LRAD | Angular momentum of the radiative zone of the star in \( M_\odot R_\odot^2 \mathrm{rad}/\mathrm{day}\) (low mass stars only)
LTOT | Angular momentum of the entire star in \( M_\odot R_\odot^2 \mathrm{rad}/\mathrm{day}\).
WSURF | Angular velocity of the stellar surface in rad/day.
WRAD | Angular velocity of the stellar core in rad/day (low mass stars only).
PSURF | Spin period of the stellar surface in days.
PRAD | Spin period of the stellar core in days (low mass stars only).
NUM_REAL_OUTPUT_QUANTITIES | The number of real valued output quantities.
EVOL_MODE | The evolution mode for the step that starts at this age.
WIND_STATE | The saturation state of the wind.
NUM_OUTPUT_QUANTITIES | The number of different output quantities supported.