The number of real values quantities.
The number of different output quantities supported.
Age in Myr when disk dissipates.
powerlaw index of Q* dependence.
Wind saturation frequency in rad/day.
Second derivative of the moment of inertia of the entire star.
The orbital periapsis in the reference frame of the stellar radiative zone in radians.
Spin period of the stellar surface in days.
The evolution mode for the step that starts at this age.
Age derivative of the convective moment of inertia in .
Second derivative of the moment of ivertia of the radiative zone.
Orbital period in days at which the planet forms.
Age derivative of the stellar radius in .
The name of the file to write the evolution to.
Angular velocity of the stellar surface in rad/day.
Age derivative of the moment of inertia of the entire star in .
The orbital frequency in rad/day.
The number of real valued output quantities.
Second derivative of the core-envelope boundary.
The maximum age to stop the evolution at in Gyr.
Eccentricity at which the planet forms.
Angular momentum of the radiative zone of the star in (low mass stars only)
Second derivative of the moment of ivertia of the convective zone.
The derivative w.r.t. the semimajor axis in AU.
The angle between the stellar core spin and orbital angular momentum in radians.
The angle between the stellar surface spin and orbital angular momentum in radians.
Radius of the planet in Jupiter radii.
Inclination with which the planet forms.
Spin period of the stellar core in days (low mass stars only).
Should the evolution start with the stellar surface spinning synchronously with the orbit...
Lg(Q*) at tidal frequency of 1 day.
Angular velocity of the stellar core in rad/day (low mass stars only).
Isolates the tags for the output columns.
Isolates the tags for the input columns.
Semimajor axis at which the planet forms in AU.
Age derivative of the mass of the radiative core in .
Angular momentum of the entire star in .
Stellar surface spin while disk is present in rad/day.
Wind saturation period in days for low mass stars.
Age derivative of the radiative moment of inertia in .
Angular momentum of the convective zone of the star in (low mass stars only)
The wind strength for high mass stars.
Tags for the quantities required to fully specify the system to evolve.
A column which is not needed to calculate the evolution.
Stellar surface rotation period in days while disk is present.
The maximum timestep to take.
The derivative w.r.t. the eccentricity.
Moment of inertia of the radiative zone of the star (low mass stars only) in .
A list of ages guaranteed to be included in the tabulated orbit.
The derivative w.r.t. age, excluding the dependence through the body's radius and the moments of iner...
The minimum age to start evolution at in Gyr.
Moment of inertia of the convective zone of the star (low mass stars only) in .
Wind saturation frequency in rad/day for low mass stars.
The saturation state of the wind.
Wind saturation frequency in rad/day for high mass stars.
The number of different input quantities supported.
Wind saturation period in days for high mass stars.
Wind saturation period in days.
Lg(Q*) outside the inertial mode range.
Initial rotation of the radiative core in rad/day if the evolution starts after the core has formed...
Luminosity of the star in .
Radius of the stellar core in (low mass stars only).
Tags for the possible columns to output.
The orbital periapsis in the reference frame of the stellar convective zone in radians.
The index of the last quantity requiring no orbital evolution.
The number of significant figures require of the evolution.
Age when planet appears in Gyr.
Surface rotation of the star in rad/day if the evolution starts after the disk has dissipated...
Mass of the stellar core in (low mass stars only).
Mass of the planet in Jupiter masses.
The wind strength for low mass stars.
Core-envelope coupling timescale in Myr, ignore for high mass stars.
const std::vector< std::string > & output_column_names()
Define the names of the output columns.
Total moment of inertia of the star in .