15 names[OutCol::LORB]=
42 #ifdef COLUMN_NAME_EMPHASIS 44 names[i]=(std::string(COLUMN_NAME_EMPHASIS)
48 std::string(COLUMN_NAME_EMPHASIS));
The number of different output quantities supported.
Second derivative of the moment of inertia of the entire star.
The orbital periapsis in the reference frame of the stellar radiative zone in radians.
Age of the system in Gyr.
Spin period of the stellar surface in days.
The evolution mode for the step that starts at this age.
Age derivative of the convective moment of inertia in .
Second derivative of the moment of ivertia of the radiative zone.
Age derivative of the stellar radius in .
Angular velocity of the stellar surface in rad/day.
Age derivative of the moment of inertia of the entire star in .
The orbital frequency in rad/day.
Second derivative of the core-envelope boundary.
Angular momentum of the radiative zone of the star in (low mass stars only)
Second derivative of the moment of ivertia of the convective zone.
The angle between the stellar core spin and orbital angular momentum in radians.
The angle between the stellar surface spin and orbital angular momentum in radians.
Spin period of the stellar core in days (low mass stars only).
Angular velocity of the stellar core in rad/day (low mass stars only).
Declares enumerations that define the possible input/outut quantities.
Age derivative of the mass of the radiative core in .
Angular momentum of the entire star in .
Age derivative of the radiative moment of inertia in .
Angular momentum of the convective zone of the star in (low mass stars only)
Moment of inertia of the radiative zone of the star (low mass stars only) in .
Moment of inertia of the convective zone of the star (low mass stars only) in .
The saturation state of the wind.
Luminosity of the star in .
Radius of the stellar core in (low mass stars only).
The orbital periapsis in the reference frame of the stellar convective zone in radians.
Mass of the stellar core in (low mass stars only).
Semimajor axis of the orbit in AU.
const std::vector< std::string > & output_column_names()
Define the names of the output columns.
Total moment of inertia of the star in .