stellar_evolution.managed_interpolator module

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of ManagedInterpolator, VarChangingInterpolator, VarchangeAgeNode, VarchangeDependentValue, VarchangeDependentVariable, VarchangeFeHNode, VarchangeGrid, VarchangeMassNode

Define a stellar evolution interpolator class managed through a database.

class stellar_evolution.managed_interpolator.ManagedInterpolator(db_interpolator, serialization_path, db_session, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: stellar_evolution.change_variables.VarChangingInterpolator

Inheritance diagram of stellar_evolution.managed_interpolator.ManagedInterpolator

Add properties describing the configuration of an interpolator.

__init__(db_interpolator, serialization_path, db_session, **kwargs)[source]

Create VarChangingInterpolator and add properties describing config.

Defines the following properties containing the information from db_interpolator:

  • name:
    The human readable name of the interpolator
  • _db_id:
    The ID of the interpolator in the database.
  • filename:
    The filename from which the interpolator was read.
  • nodes:
    A dictionary indexed by quantity giving the number of interpolation nodes used.
  • smoothing:
    Same as nodes but for the smoothing arguments.
  • suite:
    The software suite used to generate the tracks on which the interpolator is based.
  • track_masses:
    List of stellar masses on whose tracks the interpolation is based.
  • track_feh:
    List of stellar [Fe/H] on whose tracks the interpolation is based.
  • db_interpolator (-) – SerializedInterpolator instance from which to initialize self.
  • serialization_path (-) – The directory where serialized interpolators are stored.
Keyword only arguments:
If not an empty dictionary, the underlying interpolator is constructed using those instead of the serialized filename.

Returns: None


Human readable representation of the interpolator.


Prepares to use another dependent variable to change from.

Args: see VarChangingInterpolator._add_grid_variable.

Returns: None

_add_variable_to_db(variable, db_session)[source]

Add pre-calculated node values of a variable to DB.

_new_var_change_grid(*, grid_name, feh, masses, ages, db_session)[source]

Create a new grid with the given nodes and register it with the DB.

  • grid_name – The name to assign to the new grid in the database.
  • feh – The [Fe/H] values at which to tabulate the dependent variables.
  • masses – The stellar masses at which to tabulate the dependent variables.
  • ages – The ages (in Gyrs) at which to tabulate the dependent variables.
  • db_session – A database session to submit queries to.


_read_variable_from_db(variable, db_session)[source]

Read the given variable’s grid values from the DB.

  • variable_name (-) – The name of the variable to add.
  • db_session (-) – A database session for queries.

None, but has the same effect as calling VarChangingInterpolator._add_grid_variable, but finishes much faster.

_set_var_change_grid(grid_name, db_session)[source]

Read a varchange grid from the DB and set the interpolator to use it.

See VarChangingInterpolator._define_var_change_grid for newly created members of self.

  • grid_name (-) – The name of the grid in the database to read.
  • db_session (-) – A database session for queries.

True if a grid with the given name exists, False otherwise.

static _variable_db_id(variable, db_session, must_exist=True)[source]

Return the ID of the given varibale in the database.

  • variable (-) – The name of the variable whose ID to return.
  • must_exst (-) – If False, and the variable is not yet in the varchange_dependent_variables table, a new entry is added. Otherwise, an exception is raised if it is not there.

The ID of the variable in the database.

Return type:

  • variable_db_id


True iff the given [Fe/H] is within the interpolation grid.


Return the range of [Fe/H] covered by the interpolation grid.

in_range(mass, feh)[source]

True iff mass and [Fe/H] are within the interpolation grid.


True iff the given mass is within the interpolation grid.


Return the range of masess covered by the interpolation grid.


Return a str checksum of the file with the given name.

stellar_evolution.managed_interpolator.verify_checksum(filename, checksum, what)[source]

Check if the given file has the expected checksum.

  • filename – The name of the file whose checksum to verify.
  • checksum – The expected value of the checksum.
  • what – What is being verified (only used if error message if checksums do not match).
