evolution_cmdline_args module

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of StellarEvolutionManager

Provide functions for adding parameters defining the evolution model.

evolution_cmdline_args.add_and_parse_evolution_args(parser, disk_args=True)[source]

Add arguments for the binary evolution, some setup & return interpolator.

  • parser (-) – An instance of argparse.ArgumentParser to fill with arguments defining the evolution. Must alraedy contain all other arguments.
  • disk_args (-) – Should command line arguments be added for configuring the initial circumstellar disk holding the primary’s spin locked?

An object containing the parsed command line arguments as



A stellar evolution interpolator instance.

Return type:

same as parser.parse_args()


Add command line options for the initial disk spin locking.


Add to parser all arguments controlling the orbital evolution.


Add command line options for spindown model parameters to parser.