
Only Linux and MacOS is currently supported. Sorry Windows has no clean way getting the GNU science library.

If you run into trouble with the installation steps below, please contact Kaloyan Penev.

Installation Steps:

  1. Install JAVA

  2. Install required libraries:

    2.1 gsl

    2.2 glscblas

    2.3 boost_serialization

    2.4 pthread

  3. Run a terminal and cd to a place where you would like to download POET

  1. Clone the poet repository: git clone

  2. Change to the root directory: cd poet

  3. Run ./gradlew build. This should take a few minutes and end with a message that the build was successful. Something along the lines of:

    (base) domat:poet kpenev$ ./gradlew build
    Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4m 58s
    72 actionable tasks: 52 executed, 20 up-to-date
  4. The step above will create 4 shared libraries, with paths relative to poet:

    6.1 build/libs/evolve/shared/release/libevolve.dylib (MacOS) or build/libs/evolve/shared/release/ (Linux)

    6.2 build/libs/planet/shared/release/libplanet.dylib (MacOS) or build/libs/planet/shared/release/ (Linux)

    6.3 build/libs/star/shared/release/libstar.dylib (MacOS) or build/libs/star/shared/release/ (Linux)

    6.4 build/libs/stellarEvolution/shared/release/libstellarEvolution.dylib (MacOS) or build/libs/stellarEvolution/shared/release/ (Linux)

    You need to copy (or symlink) these to locations where your operating system can find them when requested. If you have sudo privileges, the standard is to copy them to /usr/local/lib/. Other options are operating system specific.

  5. Copy (or symlink) the sub-directory PythonPackage to a location where the python import mechanism can find it. The examples in this documentation will assume that the top level of the package is called poet. For example if using python3.7 under anaconda:

    cp -r PythonPackage ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/poet

    Alternatively, you can copy the python package wherever you want and add the location to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. For example:

    mkdir -p ~/my_python_packages
    cp -r PythonPackage  ~/my_python_packages/poet
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/my_python_packages

    You may wish to add that last line to your ~/.bashrc file under Linux or ~/.bash_profile file under MacOS, otherwise you will have to execute that in each shell where you plan to run POET.

  6. Create the defalut stellar evolution interpolator:

    cd scripts

    Caution: this will take many hours, so please plan accordingly. By default this script will use 4 parallel processes, if you have more CPUs or if you want to leave some unused so you can do other things on your computer while his is going on, you can use the –num-threads argument.