stellar_evolution.library_interface module

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of MESAInterpolator, Quantity, c_bool, c_char_p, c_double, c_int, c_interpolator_p, c_quantity_p, c_uint, c_void_p

An interface to the POET stellar evolution interpolation utilities.

class stellar_evolution.library_interface.MESAInterpolator(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Inheritance diagram of stellar_evolution.library_interface.MESAInterpolator

A class for interpolating among a set of MESA tracks.

__call__(quantity, mass, feh)[source]

Return a stellar quantity interpolated to the given mass and [Fe/H].

  • quantity – A string identifying the quantity to interpolate. The following values are allowed: ‘radius’, ‘iconv’, ‘lum’, ‘irad’, ‘mrad’, ‘rrad’. This is a case insensitive argument.
  • mass – The mass of the star for which this quantity should be defined in solar masses.
  • feh – The [Fe/H] of the star for which this quantity should be defined.

callable with an age parameter evaluating to the quantity at the given age.

Return type:



Prepare a MESA based interpolation.

  • mesa_dir – A directory contaning a grid (mass and metallicity) of MESA tracks to base the interpolation on. Must not be specified if interpolator_fname is.
  • smoothing – A numpy float array of the smoothing arguments to use for the interpolation of each quantity. Should be in the order defined by quantity_ids.
  • nodes – A numpy integer array of the nodes to use for the interpolation of each quantity. Same order as smoothing.
  • vs_log_age – A numpy boolean array indicating whether the interpolation for each quantity should be done vs log(age) instead of age.
  • log_quantity – A numpy boolean array indicating whether the interpolation for each quantity should be of log(quantity) instead of quantity.
  • interpolator_fname – The filename of a previously saved interpolator state. Must not be specified together with mesa_dir. If passed, the smoothing and nodes arguments are ignored.
  • num_threads – The number of simultaneous threads to use when constructing the interpolation.

Returns: None.

default_log_quantity = {'ICONV': 0, 'IRAD': 0, 'LUM': 0, 'MRAD': 0, 'RADIUS': 0, 'RRAD': 0}
default_nodes = {'ICONV': 3000, 'IRAD': 3000, 'LUM': 0, 'MRAD': 6000, 'RADIUS': 0, 'RRAD': 3000}
default_smoothing = {'ICONV': 5.0, 'IRAD': 6.0, 'LUM': nan, 'MRAD': 7.0, 'RADIUS': nan, 'RRAD': 6.0}
default_vs_log_age = {'ICONV': True, 'IRAD': True, 'LUM': True, 'MRAD': True, 'RADIUS': True, 'RRAD': True}

Free the resources allocated at construction.

quantity_ids = {'ICONV': 1, 'IRAD': 3, 'LUM': 2, 'MRAD': 4, 'RADIUS': 0, 'RRAD': 5}
quantity_list = ['RADIUS', 'ICONV', 'LUM', 'IRAD', 'MRAD', 'RRAD']
quantity_names = {0: 'RADIUS', 1: 'ICONV', 2: 'LUM', 3: 'IRAD', 4: 'MRAD', 5: 'RRAD'}

Save the interpolator created to the given file for faster creation.

Parameters:filename – The name of the file to use for saving the state. Overwritten if exists.
class stellar_evolution.library_interface.Quantity(underlying_quantity)[source]

Bases: object

Inheritance diagram of stellar_evolution.library_interface.Quantity

Callable that evaluates to the value of the quantity at a given age.


Evaluate the underlying quantity at the given age(s) (in Gyr).

Parameters:age – Either a single float or a numpy array of floats giving the ages at which to evaluate the quantity.
Returns:The value(s) of the quantity in the same format as age.
Return type:type(age)

Wrap the underlying EvolvingStellarQuantity into a callable.


Return the range around age over which the quantity is continuous.

Parameters:age (-) – The age around which the continuous region is required.
Returns: A 2-tuple of the minimum and maximum ages surrounding age
over thich the quantity is guaranteed continuous

Destroy the underlying quantity.


Return the 0-th, 1-st and 2-nd order derivatives of the quantity.

Parameters:age (float or numpy array) – Either a single float or a numpy array of floats giving the ages at which to evaluate the quantity.
Returns:Either 1-D (if age is a single float) or 2-D array if age is a numpy array where the outside (or only) index is the derivative order.
Return type:numpy array
class stellar_evolution.library_interface.c_interpolator_p[source]

Bases: ctypes.c_void_p

Inheritance diagram of stellar_evolution.library_interface.c_interpolator_p

Type corresponding to pointer to intepolator in the POET library.

class stellar_evolution.library_interface.c_quantity_p[source]

Bases: ctypes.c_void_p

Inheritance diagram of stellar_evolution.library_interface.c_quantity_p

Type corresponding to pointer to evolution quantities in POET library.


Example of the usage of the interface.


Prepare the stellarEvolution library for use.

stellar_evolution.library_interface.library_track_fname(mass, feh)[source]

Returns the base name expected by library for a track.

  • mass – The mass of the star whose evolution is stored in the track.
  • feh – The [Fe/H] value of the star whose evolution is stored in the track.

The base filename the stellar evolution library expects to be used for the given track.

Return type:
