"""Define more quantities directly calculable from POET stellar evolution."""
from astropy import units, constants
import numpy
#Greatly simplifies the usage to not make this a function.
#pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class TeffK:
"""Stellar effective temperature in Kelvin."""
[docs] def __init__(self, radius, luminosity, reference_Teff=0.0):
Effective temperature from radius and luminosity.
radius: A library_interface Quantity instance, giving the
stellar radius as a function of age.
luminosity: A library_interface Quantity instance, giving the
stellar luminosity as a function of age.
reference_Teff: The returned value is the deviation from this.
Useful when passing to solvers or minimizers.
self.radius = radius
self.luminosity = luminosity
self.reference = reference_Teff
self.min_age = max(radius.min_age, luminosity.min_age)
self.max_age = min(radius.max_age, luminosity.max_age)
[docs] def __call__(self, age):
"""Return the effective temperature at the given age."""
return (
self.luminosity(age) / (4.0 * numpy.pi * self.radius(age)**2)
#False positive,
#pylint: disable=no-member
(constants.R_sun**2 * constants.sigma_sb)
#pylint: enable=no-member
).to(units.K).value - self.reference
[docs]class LogGCGS:
"""Log10 of stellar surface gravity it cgs units."""
[docs] def __init__(self, mass, radius, reference_logg=0.0):
Log10 of the gravitational acceleration from mass and radius.
mass: The mass of the star whose gravity we are interpolating.
radius: A library_interface Quantity instance, giving the stellar
radius as a function of age.
reference_logg: The returned value is the deviation from this.
Useful when passing to solvers or minimizers.
self.mass = mass
self.radius = radius
self.reference = reference_logg
self.min_age, self.max_age = radius.min_age, radius.max_age
[docs] def __call__(self, age):
"""Return the log10(g) at the given age."""
#False positive,
#pylint: disable=no-member
return numpy.log10(
constants.G * self.mass * constants.M_sun
(self.radius(age) * constants.R_sun)**2
).to(units.cm / units.s**2).value
) - self.reference
#pylint: enable=no-member
[docs]class RhoCGS:
"""Mean stellar density in cgs units."""
[docs] def __init__(self, mass, radius, reference_rho=0.0):
Stellar density (cgs) from mass and radius.
mass: The mass of the star whose gravity we are interpolating.
radius: A library_interface Quantity instance, giving the stellar
radius as a function of age.
reference_rho: The returned value is the deviation from this.
Useful when passing to solvers or minimizers.
self.mass = mass
self.radius = radius
self.reference = reference_rho
self.min_age, self.max_age = radius.min_age, radius.max_age
[docs] def __call__(self, age):
"""Return the density (g/cm^3) at the given age."""
#False positive,
#pylint: disable=no-member
return (
3.0 * self.mass * constants.M_sun
(4.0 * numpy.pi * (self.radius(age) * constants.R_sun)**3)
).to(units.g / units.cm**3).value - self.reference
#pylint: enable=no-member
#pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods