Source code for orbital_evolution.binary

"""Define a class for binaries which can be evolved."""

import os.path
from ctypes import c_int, c_bool, c_double
from types import SimpleNamespace
import logging

import numpy

from orbital_evolution.star_interface import EvolvingStar
from orbital_evolution.planet_interface import LockedPlanet
from orbital_evolution.evolve_interface import library
from basic_utils import\

#Two of the "attributes are actually methods
#pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class Binary: """A class for binaries POET can evolve.""" evolution_modes = ['LOCKED_SURFACE_SPIN', 'BINARY', 'SINGLE', 'TABULATION'] _evolution_mode_ids = { mode: c_int.in_dll(library, mode + '_EVOL_MODE').value for mode in evolution_modes }
[docs] def _get_evolution_quantities(self): """ Return the list of quantities in the evolution of the binary. Args: None Returns: [str]: A list of the evolution quantities tracked for an evolution of the current system. """ evolution_quantities = ['age', 'semimajor', 'eccentricity'] star_float_quantities = ['envelope_inclination', 'core_inclination', 'envelope_periapsis', 'core_periapsis', 'envelope_angmom', 'core_angmom'] planet_float_quantities = ['inclination', 'periapsis', 'angmom'] is_star = dict( primary=isinstance(self.primary, EvolvingStar), secondary=isinstance(self.secondary, EvolvingStar) ) # logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( # 'Determining evolution quantities for star flags: %s', # repr(is_star) # ) for component in ['primary', 'secondary']: prefix = component + '_' if is_star['primary'] and not is_star['secondary']: prefix = ('' if component == 'primary' else 'planet_') elif is_star['secondary'] and not is_star['primary']: prefix = ('' if component == 'secondary' else 'planet_') for quantity in (star_float_quantities if is_star[component] else planet_float_quantities): evolution_quantities.append(prefix + quantity) rate_quantities = ( [q + '_rate' for q in evolution_quantities[1:]] ) evolution_quantities.append('evolution_mode') for component in ['primary', 'secondary']: if is_star[component]: evolution_quantities.append(component + '_wind_saturation') evolution_quantities.extend(rate_quantities) # logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( # 'Evolution quantities for star flags: %s:\n%s', # repr(is_star), # '\n\t'.join(evolution_quantities) # ) return evolution_quantities
[docs] @staticmethod def evolution_quantity_c_type(quantity): """Return the ctypes type of the given evolution quantity.""" if quantity == 'evolution_mode': return c_int if quantity.endswith('wind_saturation'): return c_bool return c_double
#TODO: revive c-code creation
[docs] def _create_c_code(self, c_code_fname, *, final_age, max_time_step, precision, eccentricity_expansion_fname): """Create a c++ file calculating the currently set-up evolution.""" assert eccentricity_expansion_fname c_code_substitutions = dict( poet_include_path=os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(__file__) ) ), 'poet_src' ), feh=self.primary.metallicity, secondary_radius=(numpy.nan if isinstance(self.secondary, EvolvingStar) else self.secondary.radius), secondary_is_star=isinstance(self.secondary, EvolvingStar), dissipative_primary=bool(self.primary.dissipation), dissipative_secondary=bool(self.secondary.dissipation), final_age=final_age, max_time_step=max_time_step, precision=precision, eccentricity_expansion_fname=os.path.abspath( eccentricity_expansion_fname ).decode(), **self.initial_conditions ) ( c_code_substitutions['initial_secondary_envelope_angmom'], c_code_substitutions['initial_secondary_core_angmom'] ) = (self.secondary.spin_angmom if isinstance(self.secondary, EvolvingStar) else (numpy.nan, numpy.nan)) for component_name in ['primary', 'secondary']: component = getattr(self, component_name) c_code_substitutions[component_name + '_mass'] = component.mass if component.dissipation: assert set(component.dissipation.keys()) == set([0]) for param, value in component.dissipation[0].items(): if param != 'reference_phase_lag': value = ( '{}' if value is None else ( '{' + ', '.join('%.16e' % v for v in value) + '}' ) ) c_code_substitutions[ component_name + '_' + param ] = value for dependence in ['spin', 'tidal']: for tail in ['breaks', 'powers']: value_list = component.dissipation[0][dependence + '_frequency_' + tail] if value_list is None: value_list = [] c_code_substitutions[ component_name + dependence + '_frequency_' + tail ] = ( '{' + ', '.join([repr(value) for value in value_list]) + '}' ) for param in ['wind_strength', 'wind_saturation_frequency', 'diff_rot_coupling_timescale']: c_code_substitutions[component_name + '_' + param] = ( getattr(component, param) if isinstance(component, EvolvingStar) else numpy.nan ) c_code_substitutions[component_name + '_interpolator_fname'] = ( os.path.abspath(component.interpolator.filename) if isinstance(component, EvolvingStar) else '' ) with open(c_code_fname, 'w') as c_code: c_code.write( open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'calculate_evolution_template.cpp' ) ).read() % c_code_substitutions )
[docs] def _get_required_age_indices(self, evolution_ages): """Return the indices within evolution_ages of `self._required_ages`.""" indices = dict() for side in ['left', 'right']: indices[side] = numpy.searchsorted(evolution_ages, self._required_ages, side=side) indices[side][indices[side] == evolution_ages.size] = ( evolution_ages.size - 1 ) return numpy.unique( numpy.where( numpy.abs(evolution_ages[indices['right']] - self._required_ages) < numpy.abs(evolution_ages[indices['left']] - self._required_ages), indices['right'], indices['left'] ) )
[docs] def __init__(self, primary, secondary, *, disk_lock_frequency, disk_dissipation_age, initial_semimajor=None, initial_orbital_period=None, initial_eccentricity=0.0, initial_inclination=0.0, secondary_formation_age=None): """ Create a binary system out of two bodies. Args: - primary: The first body in the system. Assumed to always be there, so for a star-planet system this should be the star. - secondary: The second body in the system, initially may not be there and later may be engulfed by the first body. - disk_lock_frequency: Frequency of the surface spin of the primary when disk is present in rad/day. - disk_dissipation_age: Age when disk dissipates in Gyrs. - initial_semimajor: The semimajor axis of the orbit at which the secondary forms in solar radii. If omitted, initial_orbital_period must be specified. - initial_orbital_period: Alternative to specifying the initial semimajor axis. - initial_eccentricity: The eccentricity of the orbit at which the secondary forms. - initial_inclination: Inclination between surface zone of primary and initial orbit in radians. - secondary_formation_age: Age when the secondary forms. Returns: None """ self.primary = primary self.secondary = secondary if initial_semimajor is None: initial_semimajor = self.semimajor(initial_orbital_period) if secondary_formation_age is None: secondary_formation_age = disk_dissipation_age self.initial_conditions = dict( initial_eccentricity=initial_eccentricity, initial_inclination=initial_inclination, disk_dissipation_age=disk_dissipation_age, disk_lock_frequency=disk_lock_frequency, initial_semimajor=initial_semimajor, secondary_formation_age=secondary_formation_age ) self.evolution_quantities = self._get_evolution_quantities() create_args = ( primary.c_body, secondary.c_body, initial_semimajor, initial_eccentricity, initial_inclination, disk_lock_frequency, disk_dissipation_age, secondary_formation_age ) if isinstance(primary, LockedPlanet): assert(isinstance(secondary, LockedPlanet)) c_create_func = library.create_planet_planet_system self._c_get_evolution_func = library.get_planet_planet_evolution create_args = create_args[:-1] elif isinstance(secondary, LockedPlanet): c_create_func = library.create_star_planet_system self._c_get_evolution_func = library.get_star_planet_evolution self._c_get_final_state = library.get_star_planet_final_state else: assert isinstance(secondary, EvolvingStar) c_create_func = library.create_star_star_system self._c_get_evolution_func = library.get_star_star_evolution self._c_get_final_state = library.get_star_star_final_state self.c_binary = c_create_func(*create_args) self.num_evolution_steps = 0 self.c_solver = None self._required_ages = None
[docs] def delete(self): """Destroy the binary created at construction.""" if hasattr(self.primary, 'destroy_star'): self.primary.destroy_star() self.primary = None if hasattr(self.secondary, 'destroy_star'): self.secondary.destroy_star() self.secondary = None library.destroy_binary(self.c_binary) if hasattr(self, 'c_solver'): library.destroy_solver(self.c_solver)
[docs] def configure(self, *, age, semimajor, eccentricity, spin_angmom, inclination, periapsis, evolution_mode): """ Set the current state (orbit) of a system. Args: - age: The age to set the system to. - semimajor: The semimajor axis of the orbit in solar radii. - eccentricity: The eccentricity of the orbit. - spin_angmom: The spin angular momenta of the zones of the bodies (body 1 first, outermost zone to innermost, followed by body 2). - inclination: The inclinations of the zones of the bodies (same order as spin_angmom). The surface zone inclination must be omitted for single body systems. - periapsis: The arguments of periapsis of the zones of the bodies (same order as spin_angmom, but not including the surface zone of the first body). - evolution_mode: The evolution mode to assume. Must be one of the constants defined. Returns: None """ library.configure_system(self.c_binary, age, semimajor, eccentricity, spin_angmom, inclination, periapsis, self._evolution_mode_ids[evolution_mode])
[docs] def evolve(self, final_age, max_time_step, precision, required_ages, *, print_progress=False, create_c_code='', eccentricity_expansion_fname=None, timeout=0, max_time_steps=0): """ Evolve the system forward from its current state. Args: - final_age: The age at which to stop the evolution in Gyrs. The starting age must be already set for the system through configure. - max_time_step: The maximum size of the time step allowed in Gyrs. - precision: The precision to require of the solution. - required_ages: Ages at which the evolution must stop precisely. - print_progress: Should output be created to show the progress in time steps. - create_c_code: The name of a file to create which when compiled will calculate the exact evolution currently set-up for this binary. If empty, no such file is created. - eccentricity_expansion_fname: The filename from which eccentricity expansion coefficients were read. Only used if create_c_code is not empty. - timeout: The maximum number of seconds the evolution is allowed to run. Non-positive value results in no timeout. Partially cumputed evolutions that time out can still be querried. - max_time_steps: The maximum number of time steps the evolution is allowed to take (also includes the current set of discarded steps). Returnns: None """ if create_c_code: self._create_c_code( create_c_code, final_age=final_age, max_time_step=max_time_step, precision=precision, eccentricity_expansion_fname=eccentricity_expansion_fname ) self._required_ages = required_ages #The point is to check if previous call defined the member #pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition if hasattr(self, 'c_solver'): library.destroy_solver(self.c_solver) #pylint: enable=access-member-before-definition self.c_solver = library.evolve_system( self.c_binary, final_age, max_time_step, precision, required_ages, (0 if required_ages is None else required_ages.size), print_progress, timeout, max_time_steps ) self.num_evolution_steps = library.num_evolution_steps(self.c_solver)
[docs] def get_evolution(self, quantities=None, required_ages_only=False): """ Return the last calculated evolution. Args: quantities: An iterable of quantities to read the evolution of. The evolution of omitted quantities can still be obtained later by subsequent calls to this method. The allowed entries are in the star_star_evolution_quantities for binary star systems or in star_planet_evolution_quantities for a star-planet system. If None, it defaults to the full list of quantities for the given system. required_ages_only(bool): If True, the evolution returned contains only the values of the quantities at the `required_ages` specified when evolve() was called. Returns: Sturture: A structure with mebers named the same way as the input list of quantities containing the values of the corresponding quantity at each evolution step. The order is always in increasing age. """ result = SimpleNamespace() if quantities is None: quantities = self.evolution_quantities for quantity_name in quantities: setattr( result, quantity_name, numpy.empty( self.num_evolution_steps, dtype=self.evolution_quantity_c_type(quantity_name) ) ) get_evol_args = [self.c_solver, self.c_binary, self.primary.c_body, self.secondary.c_body] get_evol_args.extend([getattr(result, quantity, None) for quantity in self.evolution_quantities]) self._c_get_evolution_func(*get_evol_args) if required_ages_only: keep_indices = self._get_required_age_indices(result.age) for quantity_name in quantities: setattr( result, quantity_name, getattr(result, quantity_name)[keep_indices] ) return result
[docs] def final_state(self): """Return the final evolution state of a system (all quantities).""" result = SimpleNamespace() library_final_state = [self.evolution_quantity_c_type(q)() for q in self.evolution_quantities] self._c_get_final_state(self.c_solver, self.c_binary, self.primary.c_body, self.secondary.c_body, *library_final_state) for quantity, library_value in zip(self.evolution_quantities, library_final_state): setattr(result, quantity, library_value.value) return result
[docs] def orbital_frequency(self, semimajor): """ The orbital frequency of the system for the given semimajor axis. Args: - semimajor: The semimajor axis at which the system's orbital period is required in solar radii. Returns: The orbital period in days if the two bodies of this system are in an orbit with the given semimajor axis. """ return calc_orbital_frequency(self.primary.mass, self.secondary.mass, semimajor)
[docs] def orbital_period(self, semimajor): """ The orbital period of the system for the given semimajor axis. Args: - semimajor: The semimajor axis at which the system's orbital period is required in solar radii. Returns: The orbital period in days if the two bodies of this system are in an orbit with the given semimajor axis. """ return 2.0 * numpy.pi / self.orbital_frequency(semimajor)
[docs] def semimajor(self, orbital_period): """ The semimajor axis of the system for the given orbital period. Args: - orbital_period: The orbital period at which the system's orbital period is required in days. Returns: The semimajor axis in solar radii if the two bodies of this system are in an orbit with the given period. """ return calc_semimajor(self.primary.mass, self.secondary.mass, orbital_period)
[docs] def orbital_angular_momentum(self, semimajor, eccentricity): """ The orbital agular momentum for the given semimajor/eccentricity. Args: - semimajor: The semimajor axis of the system. - eccentricity: The orbital eccentricity. Returns: The orbital angular momentum if the two bodies are in an orbit with the given semimajor axis and eccentricity in solar units. """ return calc_orbital_angular_momentum(self.primary.mass, self.secondary.mass, semimajor, eccentricity)
#pylint: enable=too-many-instance-attributes