▼NCore | |
►NError | Isolates all exceptions |
CALGLIB | Error detected by the ALGLIB library |
CBadFunctionArguments | Function arguments do not satisfy some requirement |
CBadStellarZone | Exception indicating unrecognized or unsuitable stellar zone |
CCommandLine | Error related to parsing the command line |
CGeneral | The base class of all exceptions |
CGSLZeroStep | GSL step size decreased below machine precision |
CIO | Input/Output exception |
CNonGSLZeroStep | Maximum allowed step size decreased below machine precision |
CNotImplemented | Encountered an unimplemented feature |
CPathNotFound | Exception indicating that a file or a directory was not found |
CRuntime | Any runtime error |
CCubicSplineDerivatives | A class for the derivatives of a cubic spline (=0 for order>2) |
CFunctionDerivatives | A class representing arbitrary order derivatives of a function |
CInterpolatingFunctionALGLIB | Function which interpolates, with possible smoothing, between points |
CInterpSolutionIterator | An iterator over a set of solutions to an interpolating function |
COneArgumentDiffFunction | A class representing a once differentiable function of a single argument |
COneArgumentFunction | The base class for functions which take a single argument and return a single value |
CSerializableSpline1dInterpolant | A serializable (using boost serialization) alglib 1D interpolant |
CZeroDerivatives | The derivatives of an identically zero quantity |
CZeroFunction | A class representing a function that is identically zero |
▼NEvolve | Orientations of zones of bodies in a binary system |
CBinarySystem | Describes a system of two bodies orbiting each other |
CBreakLockCondition | Satisfied when the maximum tidal torque that the planet can exert on the star is no longer sufficient to keep the lock |
CBrokenPowerlawPhaseLagZone | A DissipatingZone where the phase lag is described by a broken powerlaw |
CCombinedStoppingCondition | A class combining the the outputs of multiple stopping conditions |
CConstPhaseLagZone | A zone with constant phase lag for all tidal terms |
CConstSolutionIterator | Iterates over the tabulated solution after an evolution calculation |
CDiskBinarySystem | For some prescribed amount of time the surface of the pramary spins at a prescribed rate, it is then released and (at a possibly different age) a secondary body forms in a prescribed initial orbit |
CDissipatingBody | A base class for any body contributing to tidal dissipation |
CDissipatingZone | A layer of a system body for which the tidal bulge is not exactly in phase with the tidal potential |
CEccentricityExpansionCoefficients | A class which reads-in and provides a convenient interface to the \(p_{m,s}\) coefficients |
CEccentricOrbit | Basic description of two bodies in an eccentric orbit |
CExpectedEvolutionMode | Some evolution mode that changes at specified ages |
CExternalStoppingCondition | A base class for all external stopping conditions |
CExtremumInformation | Infomation about an extremum of a function |
CLagForcingFrequencyBreakCondition | Satisfied when a forcing frequency reaches a critical value |
CNoStopCondition | A stopping condition that is never satisfied |
COrbitSolver | Solves the system of ODEs describing the evolution of a single planet around a single star |
CPolynomialEvolutionZone | |
CRotFastCondition | Satisfied when a zone is rotating faster than a threshold |
CSecondaryDeathCondition | Satisfied when the planet enters below either the roche sphere or the stellar photosphere |
CSingleTidalTermBody | A skumanich wind body with a single zone dissipative to only a single tidal term |
CSingleTidalTermZone | A zone dissipative to only a single tidal term |
CSpinOrbitLockInfo | Defines a lock between the spin of a dissipating body and the orbit |
CStopHistoryInterval | A collection of accepted and discarded evolution steps which contain some reason to stop |
CStopInformation | The information about why and where the evolution should stop |
CStoppingCondition | A base class for all stopping conditions |
CSynchronizedCondition | Satisfied when some multiples of the orbit and stellar rotation are synchronized |
Ctest_DifferentialEquations | The test suite that compares the differential equations for eccentricity and semimajor axis to literature expansions |
Ctest_GravitationalPotential | The test suite that compares the tidal potential expansion to the exact expression |
Ctest_LockMonitoring | The test suite that ensures the correct locks are selected for monitoring and the fixes applied to the tidal frequency are correct |
Ctest_OrbitSolver | The test suite that exercises the OrbitSolver class |
Ctest_TidalTorquePower | The test suite that compares the tidal torque and power for a single zone against expectations |
CTidalPotential | Calculate the tidal potential over one component of an eccentric binary |
CTidalPotentialExpansion | Evaluate the tidal potential using the expansion |
CTidalPotentialTerms | |
CTidalTermTriplet | |
CTransformedSolution | A class that can be passed to the solution testing function instead of the solver that transforms the solutions before testing |
CZoneOrientation | |
▼NPlanet | |
CPlanet | Single zone non-evolving planets with huge dissipation, so they always remain locked to the disk |
CPlanetZone | The only zone of a LockedPlanet |
▼NStar | |
CEvolvingStellarCore | Radiative core for low mass evolving stars |
CEvolvingStellarEnvelope | Surface convective zone for low mass evolving stars or the entire star for high mass stars |
CEvolvingStellarZone | Base class for zones of low mass evolving stars |
CExponentialDecayDiffRotBody | A body with differential rotation torque between two zones given by: \(\dot{L}_1=\frac{I_1 L_2 - I_2 L_1}{\tau_c(I_1+I_2)}\) |
CInterpolatedEvolutionStar | |
CSaturatingSkumanichWindBody | A DissipatingBody which loses angular momentum at a rate \(\propto\omega\min(\omega, \omega_{sat})^2\) |
CWindSaturationCondition | Satisfied when the surface zone of a body is spinning at exactly the wind saturation frequency |
▼NStellarEvolution | |
►NCustomStellarEvolution | |
CInterpolator | A stellar evolution interpolator using only a single track, assumed to apply to all stars |
►NMESA | A namespace to isolate all MESA related entities, in order to avoid conflicts with other StellarEvolution implentations (e.g. YREC) |
CCompareAges | Used as comparison when sorting quantities by age |
CEvolutionIterator | An iterator over the list of extracted tracks |
CHeader | A class which parses the header of a MESA evolution track |
CInterpolator | A stellar evolution interpolator based on the MESA tracks |
CAllowedGridGrowth | |
CEvolvingStellarQuantity | A class for stellar properties that depend on age |
CInterpolatedDerivatives | Derivative class for stellar quantities which are interpolated age, mass and [Fe/H] |
CInterpolationQueue | A class that handles a queue of interpolation tasks. Also functions as an iterator over the results |
CInterpolator | A class that interpolates among stellar evolution tracks |
CLogDerivatives | Calculate dy/dx given dy/dx, dy/dln(x), dln(y)/dx or dln(y)/dln(x) |
CMockStellarEvolution | Implements a StellarEvolution based on polynomial evolution quantities |
CPolynomialEvolutionQuantity | An EvolvingStellar quantity that uses a polynomial instead of interpolating |
CRemoveLogDeriv | Return dy/dx given dy/dln(x), dln(y)/dx or dln(y)/dln(x) |
CSumDerivatives | Derivative class for a quantity that is the sum of two other quantities |
CSumQuantity | A clas for stellar quantities that are the sum of two other quantities |
CZeroQuantity | |
CCommandLineOptions | All command line options can be accessed through members |
CConservedLEConvObliquityEvolution | |
CConservedLERadObliquityEvolution | |
CCosFunction | The cosine of a function |
CEvolutionIterator | An iterator over the list of extracted tracks |
CExponentialPlusFunc | Represents a function of the form offset + scale*exp(rate*x) as well as its derivative |
CFuncPlusFunc | Represents the sum of two functions and the derivative |
CFunctionRatio | The ratio of two functions; |
CFunctionToPower | A function raised to some power |
CInverseFunction | The invrse of an existing function |
CInverseLinearLconvEvolution | |
CLogFunction | The natural logarithm of a function |
COblique10LinearQuantity | A function of the stellar angular momentum expected to evolve linearly with time under the m = 1, m' = 0 term |
COblique20LinearQuantity | A function of the stellar angular momentum expected to evolve linearly with time under the m = 1, m' = 0 term |
CPiecewiseFunction | Several functions stiched together |
CPowerlawPhaseLagZone | A class that only defines the phase lag function for zones |
CScaledFunction | A function scaled by some constant |
CTwoPhaseLagZone | A class that only defines the phase lag function for zones |
CYRECEvolution | A stellar evolution interpolator based on the YREC tracks |
CYRECHeader | A class which parses the header of a YREC evolution track |