Planetary Orbital Evolution due to Tides
Orbital evolution of two objects experiencing tides
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NErrorIsolates all exceptions
 CCubicSplineDerivativesA class for the derivatives of a cubic spline (=0 for order>2)
 CFunctionDerivativesA class representing arbitrary order derivatives of a function
 CInterpolatingFunctionALGLIBFunction which interpolates, with possible smoothing, between points
 CInterpSolutionIteratorAn iterator over a set of solutions to an interpolating function
 COneArgumentDiffFunctionA class representing a once differentiable function of a single argument
 COneArgumentFunctionThe base class for functions which take a single argument and return a single value
 CSerializableSpline1dInterpolantA serializable (using boost serialization) alglib 1D interpolant
 CZeroDerivativesThe derivatives of an identically zero quantity
 CZeroFunctionA class representing a function that is identically zero
 NEvolveOrientations of zones of bodies in a binary system
 CBinarySystemDescribes a system of two bodies orbiting each other
 CBreakLockConditionSatisfied when the maximum tidal torque that the planet can exert on the star is no longer sufficient to keep the lock
 CBrokenPowerlawPhaseLagZoneA DissipatingZone where the phase lag is described by a broken powerlaw
 CCombinedStoppingConditionA class combining the the outputs of multiple stopping conditions
 CConstPhaseLagZoneA zone with constant phase lag for all tidal terms
 CConstSolutionIteratorIterates over the tabulated solution after an evolution calculation
 CDiskBinarySystemFor some prescribed amount of time the surface of the pramary spins at a prescribed rate, it is then released and (at a possibly different age) a secondary body forms in a prescribed initial orbit
 CDissipatingBodyA base class for any body contributing to tidal dissipation
 CDissipatingZoneA layer of a system body for which the tidal bulge is not exactly in phase with the tidal potential
 CEccentricityExpansionCoefficientsA class which reads-in and provides a convenient interface to the \(p_{m,s}\) coefficients
 CEccentricOrbitBasic description of two bodies in an eccentric orbit
 CExpectedEvolutionModeSome evolution mode that changes at specified ages
 CExternalStoppingConditionA base class for all external stopping conditions
 CExtremumInformationInfomation about an extremum of a function
 CLagForcingFrequencyBreakConditionSatisfied when a forcing frequency reaches a critical value
 CNoStopConditionA stopping condition that is never satisfied
 COrbitSolverSolves the system of ODEs describing the evolution of a single planet around a single star
 CRotFastConditionSatisfied when a zone is rotating faster than a threshold
 CSecondaryDeathConditionSatisfied when the planet enters below either the roche sphere or the stellar photosphere
 CSingleTidalTermBodyA skumanich wind body with a single zone dissipative to only a single tidal term
 CSingleTidalTermZoneA zone dissipative to only a single tidal term
 CSpinOrbitLockInfoDefines a lock between the spin of a dissipating body and the orbit
 CStopHistoryIntervalA collection of accepted and discarded evolution steps which contain some reason to stop
 CStopInformationThe information about why and where the evolution should stop
 CStoppingConditionA base class for all stopping conditions
 CSynchronizedConditionSatisfied when some multiples of the orbit and stellar rotation are synchronized
 Ctest_DifferentialEquationsThe test suite that compares the differential equations for eccentricity and semimajor axis to literature expansions
 Ctest_GravitationalPotentialThe test suite that compares the tidal potential expansion to the exact expression
 Ctest_LockMonitoringThe test suite that ensures the correct locks are selected for monitoring and the fixes applied to the tidal frequency are correct
 Ctest_OrbitSolverThe test suite that exercises the OrbitSolver class
 Ctest_TidalTorquePowerThe test suite that compares the tidal torque and power for a single zone against expectations
 CTidalPotentialCalculate the tidal potential over one component of an eccentric binary
 CTidalPotentialExpansionEvaluate the tidal potential using the expansion
 CTransformedSolutionA class that can be passed to the solution testing function instead of the solver that transforms the solutions before testing
 CPlanetSingle zone non-evolving planets with huge dissipation, so they always remain locked to the disk
 CPlanetZoneThe only zone of a LockedPlanet
 CEvolvingStellarCoreRadiative core for low mass evolving stars
 CEvolvingStellarEnvelopeSurface convective zone for low mass evolving stars or the entire star for high mass stars
 CEvolvingStellarZoneBase class for zones of low mass evolving stars
 CExponentialDecayDiffRotBodyA body with differential rotation torque between two zones given by: \(\dot{L}_1=\frac{I_1 L_2 - I_2 L_1}{\tau_c(I_1+I_2)}\)
 CSaturatingSkumanichWindBodyA DissipatingBody which loses angular momentum at a rate \(\propto\omega\min(\omega, \omega_{sat})^2\)
 CWindSaturationConditionSatisfied when the surface zone of a body is spinning at exactly the wind saturation frequency
 NMESAA namespace to isolate all MESA related entities, in order to avoid conflicts with other StellarEvolution implentations (e.g. YREC)
 CEvolvingStellarQuantityA class for stellar properties that depend on age
 CInterpolatedDerivativesDerivative class for stellar quantities which are interpolated age, mass and [Fe/H]
 CInterpolationQueueA class that handles a queue of interpolation tasks. Also functions as an iterator over the results
 CInterpolatorA class that interpolates among stellar evolution tracks
 CLogDerivativesCalculate dy/dx given dy/dx, dy/dln(x), dln(y)/dx or dln(y)/dln(x)
 CMockStellarEvolutionImplements a StellarEvolution based on polynomial evolution quantities
 CPolynomialEvolutionQuantityAn EvolvingStellar quantity that uses a polynomial instead of interpolating
 CRemoveLogDerivReturn dy/dx given dy/dln(x), dln(y)/dx or dln(y)/dln(x)
 CSumDerivativesDerivative class for a quantity that is the sum of two other quantities
 CSumQuantityA clas for stellar quantities that are the sum of two other quantities
 CCommandLineOptionsAll command line options can be accessed through members
 CCosFunctionThe cosine of a function
 CEvolutionIteratorAn iterator over the list of extracted tracks
 CExponentialPlusFuncRepresents a function of the form offset + scale*exp(rate*x) as well as its derivative
 CFuncPlusFuncRepresents the sum of two functions and the derivative
 CFunctionRatioThe ratio of two functions;
 CFunctionToPowerA function raised to some power
 CInverseFunctionThe invrse of an existing function
 CLogFunctionThe natural logarithm of a function
 COblique10LinearQuantityA function of the stellar angular momentum expected to evolve linearly with time under the m = 1, m' = 0 term
 COblique20LinearQuantityA function of the stellar angular momentum expected to evolve linearly with time under the m = 1, m' = 0 term
 CPiecewiseFunctionSeveral functions stiched together
 CPowerlawPhaseLagZoneA class that only defines the phase lag function for zones
 CScaledFunctionA function scaled by some constant
 CTwoPhaseLagZoneA class that only defines the phase lag function for zones
 CYRECEvolutionA stellar evolution interpolator based on the YREC tracks
 CYRECHeaderA class which parses the header of a YREC evolution track